Each month I devote one Saturday Live in our group, Experience You to a LIVE guest interview.
Recently our Experience You members were blessed to have our very own Erica Morris join us.
Erica shared not only her gorgeous self but why and how she came to be a Sound Healer.
Those who attended LIVE also had the added bonus of receiving ‘in the moment’ sound healing and channeled messages just for them !!
You can watch the replay of this LIVE interview any time when you join our free closed Facebook Group click here to join.
My fascination with sounds and words started years ago when I came across the amazing water experiments by Dr. Masaru Emoto.
Masaru Emoto was a Japanese author and pseudoscientist who said that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. Emoto’s conjecture evolved over the years, and his early work revolved around pseudoscientific hypotheses that water could react to positive thoughts and words and that polluted water could be cleaned through prayer and positive visualization ~ source wikipedia
You can google his videos to see these truly mesmerizing effects that purely a written word has on water.
So for me……anything that works on a molecular level….I want to know more….I want to experience it for myself.
All of us are 70% water which ultimately means sound waves will impact us much like waves breaking on a beach.
Take the last time you were at a music concert and you could literally ‘feel’ the sound waves in your body….
And then there will be one piece of music that brings you to tears….it could be an awesome chord change, or simply the melody itself and you feel it deep within your chest.
Frequencies are literally resonating or not, with you and your energy.
Some you can hear….like Sound….and some you cannot.
So……IF a frequency of even a word or a tone can have such a huge impact on us.
Wouldn’t we want to experience MORE of the frequencies we LOVE? That support us to feel more
Balanced, At peace, Energised?
That would be a mighty YES from me!!!!
So consider the next time you are feeling…..”Down in the Dumps” what frequency will you listen to?
Emma is the creator and owner of Life Symmetry Pty Ltd and has a created a movement called Experience You. She is a woman on a mission to reconnect over 1 billion people to their true spiritual self unleashing inspiration and profound change across the planet.
She is the author and creator of Spiritually You – Orb Genetics TM Program and Experience You Program. If you are interested in understanding how either or both of these programs could support your development please contact Emma direct.
Life is to be Experienced, not endured