A question I ask all new joiners to our free closed group Experience You is without any limitations

AND a huge Fairy Godmother wand…..

What would you WISH for and why?

An extract from the beautiful quote by Marianne Williamson

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”

So…………grab your Wand (physical or figurative) close your eyes and ALLOW yourself to WISH for whatever feels like success to you right now.

We all celebrate other’s success don’t we?????????

Oh YES there is that natural emotion that sometimes raises it head…….you know the one, that little green emotion called Jealousy.

Jealously is ONLY a reflection of seeing what someone else has GOT, ACHIEVED, RECEIVED and for a moment you WISH it was you……..then start creating excuses why THEY got it.

Oh yes, SUCCESS comes to them so easily!!

Its true what they say Money to Money.

FILL in your own response right here….

So imagine your own SUCCESS and you ACTUALLY achieving it.


So if you are interested in how we discussed some of the answers our Tribe members wanted help

Pop along and join in at Experience You

Join us by clicking the image below!

Experience You

AND here’s to your SUCCESS….

Because you have ACHIEVED success, you have just forgotten the last time you were successful ?

Emma is the creator and owner of Life Symmetry Pty Ltd and has a created a movement called Experience You.  She is a woman on a mission to reconnect over 1 billion people to their true spiritual self unleashing inspiration and profound change across the planet.

She is the author and creator of Spiritually You – Orb Genetics TM Program and Experience You Program.  If you are interested in understanding how either or both of these programs could support your development please contact Emma direct.

Life is to be Experienced, not endured